Item described to the best of my knowledge and ability. Not responsible for mistakenly purchased items. (No metal inserts or anything like that in these.) These chips are a MUST HAVE for ANY POKER ENTHUSIAST, and they would be great chips to break out at your next 'Poker Night'!! -All items sold as-is. These chips weigh in at around 10grams and seem to be made of 100% clay. They are also pretty spot on replicas of the actual chips used, both in color and mold. The colors and edge spots are all sharp, and although t is a little wear on a couple, they look fantastic. These chips, (though used before I acquired them) are in excellent condition. The shop is currently closed for technical reasons. Replica Poker Chips Like Those Used In Teddy KGB's Place In the Movie 'Rounders' 7 Total, One of each Denomination:$.25$1$5$25$100$500$1000 You are bidding on a complete set of seven (7) poker chips, one of each denomination listed above, and made to look like those used at Teddy KGB's place in the movie Rounders. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Rounders Poker Chip 0. Rounders exclusive collector poker chips tournament set 500 chips Clay, including plastic cards and chips.